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According to consultancy agency,
New World Wealth,
there are about 165,000
very wealthy individuals in Africa
with a combined net wealth
holdings of more than $660 billion.
Africa is the most resource-rich continent in the world
According to New World Wealth and AfrAsia Bank,
Africa has added more than 19,000 millionaires in the last 10 years
Ghana is one of Africa's fastest growing economies
Ethiopia is creating more millionaires at a faster pace
than any other African country
The economy of Lagos, Nigeria is worth 108 billion.
Financial services, retail, and manufacturing are leading the way
Africa's foundations and philanthropy organizations are growing
Africa's luxury market is valued at 4 billion
According to The WorldAtlas, Africa is endowed with great natural wealth
12% of the oil produced in the world comes from Africa
Africa is the leading producer of Gold
Africa is the worlds biggest source of inspiration
Africa is the final frontier for growth and opportunity
Africa is the Future